Now you can save your shopping cart

Every now and then one wish to save the shopping cart for later, or you want to be able to buy the same cart multiple times. Well, now you can!

This is how you do it:

  1. Click into your active shopping cart and find "save cart" above the products. You can do so whenever you want, from step 1, 2 and 3 within your cart.

  2. A window will then open, where you need to name the cart you want to save. Already on this stage you may also choose whether or not you want to share the cart with other users in your company. Then hit save.

  3. You cart is now saved and you can either push forward with the cart you already have, or you can go to your lists to see and edit all your saved carts and shopping lists.

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Your saved carts and lists

You will find all your save shopping carts under Profile - lists. Here you also filter on just carts or just lists, as well as shared ones.

All your saved and shared shopping carts are shown with a shopping cart icon, so you easily can spot them among the lists. Just look for this icon:

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This is how you add products to saved carts as well as shopping lists

It's easy to add more products to your list or cart. You can do so by clicking into the cart or list you want to update, and choose +add more products in the top right corner of the listpage.

A window with a search bar will appear where you can write or paste one or multiple numbers, like EL/NRF/NOBB. If you rather want to use vendor number or EAN code, you may do so as well.

Another way of adding products is within a search result page, product detail page or even a category page. You just look for the grey button with the list icon to do so. Click that and you get to add the product to any list of your choise.

Log in and test the save cart feature